Technology Consulting
Systematization and
Decision Automation

We provide a wide range of insights for your business in a scalable and agile way!

Reading property registrations

We work with AI to read PDFs of property registrations and extract the information and complement it with external data.

  • Basic property data: Address, area, description, confrontations, Google Maps images and satellite images
  • Basic registration data: Notary's office, registration number, opening date, previous registrations, certificate and current owner
  • Registration Transactions: Identification of purchase and sale transactions, mortgage, alienation, endorsement, etc.; along with information on date, value and parties involved
  • Physical characteristics: Identification of overlap with protected areas, such as legal reserves, permanent preservation areas, conservation units, deforestation areas, indigenous lands and villages. And also information on seasonal temperature, seasonal precipitation-evapotranspiration and total seasonal precipitation for the region
  • Satellite images: We provide images from the last 3 years to compare changes in the region
Captura de tela da interface do smart assistant

Reading of the initial petition for labor proceedings

We work with AI to read the process and identify the complaints made, parties involved and the value of the case. We also apply an additional layer of intelligence to bring additional information about the parties

  • Petition cover: Value of the case and date of assessment, court
  • Additional information: Identification of the parties involved and their respective lawyers, share capital, legal nature and size of the companies involved
  • Pedidos: Structuring requests and triggering automatic flows for decision making
Captura de tela da interface do smart assistant

Reading of social contract

We use AI in conjunction with computer vision to read the document and extract information in a structured way

  • Company identification and description
  • Identification of partners, participation and qualification
  • Post validation of data with the Federal Revenue Service
  • Data enrichment
Captura de tela da interface do smart assistant

Some of our cases

Credit analysis

In Boa Nota you can do all the credit diligence. For this we provide the best information on the market! In addition you can customize by putting the name of your company, the logo and much more

  • Basic data: Information about the company, partners, related persons and related companies
  • Corporate group: Tracking the relationship network of companies and related people
  • Assets: Aircraft, rural properties, environmental regularity certificates
  • Attention points: Information about PEPs, punished companies, slave labor, infractions, seizures, embargoes and much more
  • Offshore: Offshore companies and foreign capital
  • Debt: Protest information, CNDT, PGFN and COMPROT
  • Discrediting media: Scandal news
  • Legal: Survey of all processes, including information on values, subjects, progress and much more
Captura de tela da interface do sistema Boa Nota

Analysis of infrastructures, airports, highways and electricity sector

On our Dashboard you can monitor market share, flight planning and much more!

  • Market share: Monitoring of market share by passengers and flights of each company over the years. And also the market share by vehicles and consumption.
  • Forecasts: Forecasting the quantity and seasonality of passengers, luggage, drivers, vehicles and consumption
  • Flight network: World map to view flights, ASK and seats
  • Number of flights: Monitoring the number of flights, ASK and seats
  • Aircraft fleets: Fleet information by company over the years
  • Capacity Growth: Growth analysis for the next few days
  • Route Overlay: Survey of route overlap of the largest airlines, top 10 routes based on ASK, passengers, load factor and RPK
Captura de tela da interface do sistema de análise de dados aéreos

Financial market analysis

On our platform, with operating system aspects, you can perform various financial market analyzes!

  • Market indicators: Monitoring strategic, macroeconomic and risk indicators
  • Investment simulator: Portfolio simulation with different funds, weight configuration and rebalancing
  • News: Monitoring the latest news that is extremely important for the market
  • Investment funds: Fund ranking, fund composition, fund analysis and comparison
  • Stock factor analysis: Monitoring acquisitions, disposals, ESG, indicators and gas emissions
Captura de tela da interface de análise do mercado financeiro

API services

In addition, we also offer services via API so that you can integrate our services into your system. Some of them being:

  • Credit analysis
  • Compliance and risk management reports
  • Supply chain intelligence
  • Monitoring compliance with environmental standards
  • Management of managed portfolios and asset allocation guided by Machine learning

About Us

Founded in 2014, Indrema Consultoria Empresarial LTDA is a company focused on solving business problems through technology. With specialized products and services for the financial and legal market. To meet all demands, we work with an extremely diverse team, such as professionals from Economics, Physics and Computer Science.

We work throughout the entire software development life cycle or in specific phases, depending on the client's needs. Por este motivo, atendemos empresas dos mais diversos portes.

Contributions to Open Source

We work together with the developer community to improve the world!

This allows us to bring the most innovative solutions to our customers.

  • Authorship of the technique laserRMT , being one of the administrators of the Cognitive Computations Organization
  • Model authorship laserXtral , being one of the administrators of the Cognitive Computations Organization
  • Co-maintainer of the project dolphin of the Cognitive Computations Organization


State-of-the-art results of the cognitive-computational capabilities of LLM models!



Assume the laws of physics on Earth. A small marble is put into a normal cup. Then someone takes the cup and places upside down on a table. Someone then takes the cup and puts it inside the microwave. Where is the ball now? Explain your reasoning step by step.


To determine the position of the marble after these actions, let's consider each step:

1. Marble in a Cup: Initially, a small marble is placed inside a normal cup. The marble rests at the bottom of the cup.

2. Cup Turned Upside Down on a Table: Next, someone inverts the cup and places it upside down on a table. Assuming the cup is turned over quickly, the marble, due to inertia, will tend to remain in its place (initially at the bottom of the cup, which becomes the top when inverted). However, the marble's inertia ins't likely strong enough to overcome gravity significantly, so it will fall towards the new bottom of the cup (which was originally the top of the cup). When the cup is placed upside down on the table, the marble will be resting against the table, trapped under the cup.

3. Cup Placed in a Microwave: Finally, the cup (still upside down) is placed in a microwave. At this point, the position of the marble doesn't necessarily alter the marble's position. The marble remains where it was - under the cup, against the microwave's surface.

In summary, assuming no external forces strong enough to move the marble, significantly (like shaking or tilting the cup), the marble should be under the cup, resting against the surface of the microwave turntable or plate.



Assume the laws of physics on Earth. A small marble is put into a normal cup. Then someone takes the cup and places upside down on a table. Someone then takes the cup and puts it inside the microwave. Where is the ball now? Explain your reasoning step by step.


Step 1: Initially, the marble is in a normal cup that's placed right-side up on a flat surface (table). Gravity pulls the marble towards the ground, but since the cup is not overturned, the marble remains inside the cup.

Step 2: When someone picks up the cup and turns it upside down on the table, gravity still acts upon the marble. However, due to the orientation change, the marble will start falling out of the cup because there are no other forces preventing it from doing so.

Step 3: As soon as the person lifts the cup containing the marble and moves it towards the microwave, the marble continues to fall under the influence of gravity until it reaches the bottom of the cup or hits any obstacles along the way. In this case, we assume the marble falls out of the cup completely before being placed inside the microwave.

Step 4: Once the marble is outside the cup and lying on the table, it remains stationary unless disturbed by external forces like air currents or another object bumping into it. It dues not enter the microwave during this process.

In conclusion, while the marble was initially in the cup, after going through these steps, it is now resting on the table outside the cup and not inside the microwave.


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Main Technologies

We work with the best and latest technologies on the market!

This way we are able to deliver cutting-edge products to our customers.

Google Cloud PlatformHugging Face

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